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Normally, I would have been crushed. I know they are not supposed to take gifts. I said "too bad" and have given 5 or 6 over the past years. He has taken them graciously and now I know why. He said "The past three sessions you've brought me gifts". That morning I questioned myself too. When I like someone, I give them "stuff". Just little stuff, but I want to give....of myself. It's my way of saying "I like you and you matter to me" instead of verbally taking that risk.....rejection; petrified of it. I told him I thought as soon as I left, he would surely throw the gifts in the trash. That stems from me feeling so disposable and discarded all my life. So, me taking the chance of bringing him something (having the guts) to risk rejection was a huge step for me. Two gifts were perishable, but the other one is affectionately placed on the bookcase in my line of sight! That means a lot to me and he knows it is important. Stretching the boundaries can be good sometimes.
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Three sessions in a row is a bit for gifts! Hopefully, you will learn even more ways to risk yourself and communicate appreciation.

I haven't given my T a gift in quite some time... When I could, I have her three in a very short span on time. I forget if it was her or I that brought it up BUT I had to cool it for a bit. I haven't given her anything since because it is just so... Hard. I've never been able to give her the type of gift I truly wish I felt I could. I brought her some stuff last session but not a gift really, just something I had but did not need and she was ok accepting them.

Anyway! It sucks when we have to tame the ways we express love to others. I'm more of a do things and physical affection person but gifts and thank yous are all I can do these days. I'm glad you have felt safe enough to risk yourself and that T graciously accepted your gifts

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