Ah transference, been there, done that, got the t-shirt, like they say. Actually I'm still very much there. I've also been seeing my T for 6 months now, but I came across transference feelings sooner than that, maybe 2 months into therapy. Reading about everyone else's experience here helped immensely to feel "normal" and okay about it, having those kind of feelings about your T is so common and actually a sign that therapy is going well! I also suggest you read AG's blog and the threads here related to transference, post if you have questions or doubts, being informed about it is the best thing you can do to stop being afraid of it. I remember feeling "cheated" because I never knew feeling this way about a T could happen! It can be really scary.
But the truth is you and your T are both in a relationship, a therapeutic one yes, but nevertheless a relationship, of course people have feelings about it. I think about him ALL the time too, he has a little sofa in my right side lobe
Driving past a T's office outside therapy times is something I've read loads here, you're certainly not alone on that. The most I've done was googling him and finding his website (he asked before if I've seen it so I think he actually wanted me to look him up) and some of his articles. I ended up blocking his site from my computer, I don't want to be tempted to look him up. Sometimes I'm also scared that maybe one of these days these feelings will go out of proportion and I'll lose control/go completely insane and invade his privacy and behave inappropriately towards him, maybe he'll call the police and get angry at me and I'll never see him again. But I think this is a thought that comes from the fear of being rejected after exposing myself and my feelings to him.
Even if my feelings for him escalated to a point where I can't help myself and my actions I certainly wouldn't be the first nor the last.
I've never told him directly about my transference but I have mentioned that I do like to talk to him and that I find him interesting, and I found out that talking about it does help to regulate these emotions.
Best of luck to you Coco, and I hope I'll see you around