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Reply to "Update on Transference"


Welcome to the forum! It's good to have you here.

Wow, you have really been through the ringer with your T huh? I read your story and I can't help but think that there is definite counter-transference going on. It sounds like T has perhaps crossed some boundaries and then either regretted it or I don't know what. I am shocked that she didn't tell you of her impending lengthy absence until right before. I don't ever think that is a good idea, but I know different T's handle it differently. I'm wondering if perhaps she was angry that you didn't reach out and call her while she was gone? Was she angry with you on some level because she didn't feel needed? I don't know.

I was happy to read that she allowed you to come back and was hoping that meant things had been worked out and were better but I see there are continued issues. I think it is critical to have a very honest and open discussion with your T about this because it seems like it could lead to you getting hurt very badly. Whether she will admit that there are issues or not is another story, but I think it is worth bringing up.

Good luck to you and keep us posted!