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Reply to "Update on Transference"

I don't knonw if the feelings go away or if they just change in intensity and the type of feeling. For example I have had erotic transference for my P and it happens when I am really anxious and panicking. By him being reassuring and not running away from me and my feelings those feelings have changed and lessened but still rear their ugly head when I am panicking.

I've done a good job of making my T and my wife believe that I still love my wife. I'm putting on a great act.

One thing I would say is try and be as honest as possible about your feelings with your T, they cannot help you if they don't know how you really feel.

My feelings for my P never changed the way I felt about my husband, he has stood by me forever even when the going has been really rough.

I also think that transference is probably the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with, the longing and the heartache, but I am hoping that there will be healing and a huge lessening in my anxiety levels.

Hope any of that helps, feel free to come and chat about it anytime, sometimes it helps to know you aren't the only one going through this.