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Reply to "Update on Transference"

Hi JM,

Thank you for concuring with that feeling about him living his life without me. Here I thought I was nuts! This is the totally out of reach Dr. X, not my T (whom I am seeing Thursday). I hate the boundaries. They don't help me feel secure; they just annoy me and I wish they were not there. I don't want any boundaries. One thing I have been thinking a lot is "why did I have to meet him like this?" When I know darn well that I could have ONLY met him like this. I'm just so, so, so frustrated.

I just started running myself a few months ago; I can't go that far for too long yet but I am getting there. I really want to run a 5K in the next few months. I probably wouldn't have ever started if I didn't know he ran as well but I do enjoy it. I had no healthful modeling at home. Recreation was eating and watching tv so I am trying to take pieces from here and there to create my own healthy life. I used to be very overweight.

Well, I have felt like my sessions with my T have hit the wall and we aren't making any progress. It might be that I am just exhausted from the events of the last six months and can't make any progress. So I doubt a big breakthrough is in the works. I do have a meeting with my interim supervisor in an hour and that always makes me really anxious!
