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Reply to "Update on Transference"


about your quote about hell freezing over,your T having an answering service(i'm sorry, i haven't figured out how to use the quotes, tools, etc): i am the same, except i don't even think he has answering service(if he does i'm not priviledged--or important--enough to have the #. of course, i feel like an intruder when i even try and see him weekly from time to time, so i doubt i would ever call anyway. my last session was very good--except i kept whining and apologizing for calling for an earlier than my usual every-3-weeks appointment. at the end, he told me to try and tough it out(my next is 2 weeks) and use the tools and suggestions he'd given me. of course, he said i have his #'s(the 2 clinic #'s), and i know he meant well and was being therapeutic. but what i FELT was him saying --please don't come back anytime soon, you bother me, i don't like intellectual side knows better. whenever i do go earlier, he usually says well, you probably needed to come in. but anyway, i'm so obsessive about stuff. if i had a voicemail, i know i'd definiyely hang onto it!!