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Reply to "Update on Transference"

Hi River,
I'm sorry you're having such a difficult time. I've definitely been there, struggling to figure out if I feel worse or better and that feeling of being at someone else's mercy. Neither are a lot of fun. I will say in my experience that I often feel my most confused and discouraged right before I make a lot of progress. I know its a cliche but its always darkest before the dawn. The problem is that therapy is one of the hardest things you'll ever do when you're working at it. And your T may have to attend to other people, but within the boundaries of your appointment you are the ONLY thing she is attending to. I would definitely try to talk to your therapist about how your feeling. She might be able to give you some perspective on your progress and at least should be able to hear how you're feeling about the money and your relationship with her. Hang in there!

Safe hugs,

I actually posted a while back when I was feeling the same way I want to quit, although I know I shouldn't