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Reply to "Update on Transference"

Yeah, I"m aware that most therapists pile up the clients one right after the other. Then in the off days, they work at a center or college to balance out their clinical work.

It was one of the first things I changed about my practice when I started coming into my body. I knew I didn't want to put myself in that position...having only 5 minutes to run to the lou or grab a bite or answer a phone call. It's silly when I think back on it. You're so rushed and you risk passing on that pent up energy to your clients.

Some therapists feel they don't have a choice. They will tell me when I question this practice, that clients won't be able to handle appointments that fall on the quarter hour. But I've been doing this for years and there's no problem. It's a matter of how you, as the therapist, are settled within it yourself about it.

Some therapists don't charge the full value of their worth and do a lot of sliding scale fees so they need to keep their client list up to make their practice profitable. Again, this is their issue around money and worth. In my opinion, good therapy is totally undervalued in our culture.

You've asked some darned good questions. I'm hoping to be able to offer videos and better information to help people understand what good therapy looks like.

Talk to you later,
