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Reply to "The Frame in Psychotherapy"


[QUOTE] Later I've come to realize that my Ts self-disclosure and adaptability is one of his very positive traits that has allowed our therapy to unfold beautifully [QUOTE]

Indeed, I so agree with all you said there. I know it goes against a certain model, but for me it has been invaluable as a way of building trust to have an amount of self-disclosure. DF is so right in talking about the difficulty of the 'blank slate'. Uuurrrghhhh, it's such a hard one. at the start I gave so little away, because I think my T did likewise. My abuser gave very little away in emotion and I think she was inadvertently triggering me in her, always very professional but totally blank canvas, behaviour. It took time, but now we have a different relationship whereby I can check out her personal opinion and sometimes experiences if I need to as a way of teaching me now a different perspective from my own damaged experiences. And it works very well. She has never given me any of her issues in doing so and I would tell her if she ever did. And yes, the same went with touch issues, only by receiving safe touch did I truly learn that she wasn't going to hurt me and that I could be comforted and didn't always have to fend for myself.

I know evry therapy situation is different and different approaches have to happen with different people, we are all individual and there is no right or wrong way is there? (ok a few wrong ways that we know of on this forum excepting....!!)
