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Reply to "Sexual Tension?"

I think that is a really good take on it! You're right and I'm not sure I've ever thought of it that way. I get terrified of my murderous rage and at times have expressed some pretty sadistic stuff I would like to do to my parents, but while I'm feeling so ashamed and so warped, my T basically shrugs his shoulders and says "yeah, that's an appropriate way to feel."

It's an excellent observation, that they are well-acquainted with the darker sides of being human and do not see as something to reject, but something to understand and own. Much less dangerous if it's acknowledged and accepted as part of ourselves.

And I had to laugh when I saw manipulation in the list. The first time my T told me I was being manipulative (and his attitude was very much what you talk about here: You're human so of course you are manipulative at times.) I totally freaked. I think we had to spend half a session. It's am important attitude.