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Reply to "Sexual Tension?"


What would be your rule of thumb for distinguishing a projection from a genuine perception? It seems to me going through life with the first assumption that we are projecting things would make for a confused and crippled existence, but of course I know it's true that people *do* project.

I guess I kind of disagree with assuming projection in a case like this, since it isn't inherently unlikely in the way assuming our Ts wish us dead is. Feelings of attraction are pretty common, people do get vibes, etc.

Either way I think it's a great subject to explore in therapy if Affinity (or whoever) can manage it. Smiler Because the meanings we assign to these things, the associations and fears, are such rich grounds for therapeutic work.

I don't mean to be argumentative and please don't feel you have to respond unless you want. I think I react a little to the idea of making "it's all in your head" a starting point, so I wanted to throw this out there, but that might just be my stuff.