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Reply to "Sexual Tension?"

I may be a cynic, but I'd explore the possibility of projection first. Looking up eroticized (not erotic) transference may help but the definitions I've found aren't as helpful as some I know are out there. Sometimes, I look at my T and feel like she hates me - that I see that "spark" in her eye that she is thinking of doing violent things to me and wishes I'd die, etc. That's my parental transference speaking... Where I feel so powerfully that T represents someone/something in my life I get myself convinced that she must feel a certain way.

I think at times this can happen in erotic transference. I'm not at all saying it isn't possible for your T to have feelings for you (I don't know what other people think unless I ask them)... but.... It is common for people to assume their T is in love with them for the same reasons they love their T. The formula is: someone makes ME feel xyz... Therefore they must feel abc. (Example: if someone makes me feel like I want them sexually, then they must want me. - if that had always been someone's experience it completely makes sense how this equation would work).

I guess the idea I'm working with (and I've never had any sort of erotic anything feelings with my Ts - so I have no experience to speak from) is that... I have a feeling far more people have been pretty sure your T wanted them romantically or sexually than he ever may have actually had those feelings for. Just like how many people figure if they'd met their T outside of therapy they'd be best friends and really... Could a T have 40 (or however many clients) best friends? A lot of it is transference - when we give Ts prescriptions for intense feelings.

Anyway - these are just my ideas. I don't want to argue your feelings or ask for proof or justification. He totally could want you, but I'd explore projection first.

Discuss discuss discuss with T! If it's him having trouble and needing supervision he can do that, if he's doing things in session that at giving the wrong impression or something you can work through them... And maybe concentrate a bit more on the transference stuff again.

Hug two