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Reply to "Pschology or not?"

Long time no see Dude et al... of course, it's been me that has been MIA.

ANyways. one comment, I can make about this and been wanting to make about this every since I saw this post was .. as one of my mentors.. or two said....

- what do you want to do....


- now... find out who does this and what degree's/certifications, etc are needed to do the above explanation.. hehe...

- find the program to accomplish them

so all in all.. work backwards...

I took some art therapy classes before... at the extension at my University... I REALLY learned a lot and loved them however, art therapy is something that is hard to find job's in here in the US... without other things... like... a MSW... or MFT.. or something of that sort. Just my little rant... I would love an ACCREDITED program that has a holistic integrative approach to psychology... that uses traditional psychotherapies along with art, music, dance and other 'non- traditional' therapies.