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Reply to "Newbie alert!"

I think it's kind of ironic that even though my dad was the one who passed, I long for a female mother figure in my life. Despite the disease, I was a complete and total Daddy's Girl. My mom did give me love and attention, but I just so happened to be closer to my dad. When he died, it was like I lost a huge part of my heart and soul. I tried to connect with my mom, but it's very different than the relationship I had with my dad. Now that my mom is remarried and even though I get along fairly well with my stepdad, I still don't feel like I can connect with her on that deep level like I did with my dad, even though at the same times wish I cold, which is why I latch on to older strong female figures. My current T is probably the first one who I have latched on so intensely to and I've told her that many times. I'm glad she in a sense, accepts my attachment even though we both know it's not for forever. With her, she's helping me to break the cycle of alcoholism since I did pick up drinking pretty heavily due to my anxiety and depression over losing my dad. One day, and one session at a's getting better, and for once I'm actually letting someone be a "mother" to me. Smiler