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Reply to "How much pain is okay"

It seems like whatever amount of self compassion you can muster really will go a long way. I know it's very difficult to find that, but trying to at least treat yourself kindly, even if it feels strange to do so.

I had a really bad spot in therapy a few months ago where I thought the pain would literally undo me. Slowing down in therapy and increasing my relaxation time at home really helped. Turns out I needed to practice some serious self-nurturing. It's hard when you have so many responsibilities: kids, job, husband, pets, etc. But sometimes sh*t just needs to go on the back burner for a bit. Leave the dishes in the sink and read a book. Take a bath. Order Chinese takeout for dinner. Sleep with a stuffed animal. Go outside and look at plants. Paint. Whatever soothes the nerves. Whenever the intensity becomes overwhelming, I go to session and talk about poetry or something. Usually, that's all I need to get back on track.

Hope you feel better soon, RM.