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Reply to "EMDR?"

Hi, and thanks for this topic. I appreciate everyones comments. I am truly learning a lot.
I tried EMDR after researching it quite extensively, but when it came right down to working it, I could not find a safe place- which is one of the preliminary steps. My T and I tried it a few months later, but It did not work for me, and I did laugh a little. I just think it scared me too much. I really like the idea of it though. It seemed as if it would help me uncover some forgotten- repressed ugly stuff. (My T did assure me that we do not have to force this stuff and we can take things slowly.)Perhaps I will try it again, not sure though. My T used vibrating intermident buzzers held in each hand. I think that I could not relax enough to allow it to work. In theory- I am not against it.