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Reply to "Control in therapy"

Some very good points there by effed re. wearing a watch etc.

Anyway, the language thing is an interesting one. I don't do therapy in my mother tongue and my T once said something about her wondering whether that means there is something missing; something we may not so easily have access to because of that. I didn't feel that way because to me English is very much my dominant language but consequently I started paying attention to how and why I 'choose' language. I started keeping a diary again and noticed I would often switch to English and prefer English when writing about emotions. I think that's because I learned so much about all this feeling stuff in English so it is a bit like I'm sort of lacking the words and expressions in my mother tongue. It certainly doesn't come so easily (not that it's easy in English, mind). So very much a different experience to yours but I can definitely see what you're saying...