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Reply to "Awful Session (Session Update)"

Hi TN,

Oh I am so sorry - that sounds like a really difficult session. To go back to your session being interrupted, I am wondering why, with 5 mins to go you had to suddenly stop and leave. If it was still YOUR time that YOU were paying for then he should have ignored any pressure from his next client, as you should have bee his sole focus for the time of your session. W have been interrupted a few times in session, once a man actually walked in thinking the room was empty, but my T was mortified and apologised profusely to me. I am sad that he shuffled you out as quickly as possible, or that he made you feel you should leave quickly, that is not helpful or respectful to you. Perhaps ask him what he is going to do to make sure that doesn't happen again to you.

Hmmm I don't think I would mind at all if my T had photos of her family up, in fact I think I might like it as it is confirmation that she is happy and secure in her relationships and well cared for. Similarly I don't think I would mind if her H was in the same building; as long as I knew that I could rely on her being there for me in my sessions that would be ok. But I understand that for you it is still a big problem and I hope that you and it might get to the stage where it can be acknowledged by him how upsetting it is for you. I think there needs to be work with him as to why it is so distressing, rather than his almost 'it's not to be discussed' attitude that just seems to fuel the difficulty.

I hope you can go to your next session stronger, knowing what you want to say to him and remind him that it is his responsibility to make sure you are ok enough always to safely leave the session.
