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Reply to "AnXiEtY"

Hi CD (((Hugs)))

I have been diagnosed with major deppresive disorder and anxiety disorder. I am happy to share with you how it manifests with me. It comes on in a few different forms. At times, the trigger is very obvious, other times not. When the trigger is obvious, I always go straight into flight or fight mode. I will literally get up and run. I have run out of peoples houses, out of public places, restaraunts, whatever....when I run, I am able to fight off the panic better. If I cant run and I have to "fight"...for instance if I am with my kids somewhere, or even home with them, then its really tough. Usually ends up with very unhealthy coping mechanisms to relieve the panic.

Sometimes, the anxiety hits me out of nowhere and I have no idea what or if there was a trigger. It can happen in diffeent ways. Sometime my heart just starts pounding and I cant control my breathing or I start talking really fast and cant control my thoughts. Sometines it ends up in a full blown panic attack. One time I hyperventilated and passed out and my husband had to call 911

Other times, I just have this feeling of dread and fear in my lower stomach like something horrible is going to happen and sonetimes it rises up to my chest and either makes me vomit or go into panic. Or sometines it just sits there ALL day.

It can also manifest in less obvious ways that I have learned are also anxiety. Its like a fear or dread of just proceeding with my day...of having to see people, socialize, get things done, ect....normal things people do everyday, overwhelms me to the point of being afraid to get out of my bed in the morning.

I also clench my teeth terribly at night to the point of daily headaches.

I am sorry you are struggling with this. Anxiety is horrible... But it can be managed in several different ways...I am slowly getting better at managing it. I hope this was helpful.
