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Hello everyone

I went through great pains over transference issues and I've been reading a lot of things so I can understand what it is and why it happened and how to overcome regarding the issues.

I have found 2 great web sites.
the one down below is talking about counter transference. I had to understand where the transference came from and I knew that it strongly relates with countertransferece.

when My Ex T hacked into my e-mail accounts, facebook, blogs, etc... after I made an account on his work web site, I was getting horrible e-mails through his web sites. They were mainly related to suicidal issues. I really didn't understand why he was doing that to me.

Now I know that there are many different kinds of countertransfereces...and after I read this
I totally understood what I was going through.

Countertransference Punishment

A treater that is fed up might secretly wish the client would succeed in killing themselves so the treater can escape the problem of having to deal with the client. With this thought a treater may withdraw and become aloft and withhold redirection to keep the client from killing themselves. Or, for another example, if staff on an inpatient unit would put a client into seclusion as a form of a penalty, this is also called countertransference punishment. This is illegal since a client can’t be put into seclusion unless they are a danger to themselves, others, or destroying community property. However, even though a client does not meet any of this criteria, staff has been known many times to put a client into seclusion for ‘convenience of staff.’

I just wanted to share these sites who wants to know more insight about our T's

Psych 101 Unlocked the secret of Terms

Behind the Couch
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