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Or, rather, I think it was one year ago, because I never planned on being here long enough to make remembering the date important, I had my first session with my T.

The reason I think it was one year ago is because we were locked out of his office building, as he had decided to work on a holiday. He was a little late. We had to sit outside at a table next to a fountain in front of the the building. He had to call several colleagues to find someone who lived in the area to let him in, since he commutes from far away. We had met a few times before in my H's sessions (with Boo as well), but I was very anxious about meeting him one-on-one and almost cancelled the whole thing.

I didn't know I would still be with this man a year later...I was thinking in terms of weeks or months. I had only gone, because I thought it would help my H, and because H kept saying that T really thought I needed some sort of support after what we had been through. He tried to refer me elsewhere, but I was so scared of therapists that I only agreed to see him, because I had met him already.

I didn't know I would attach. It was always easy to talk to him. I found myself telling him things that I never would have told others. Not the content, because I can easily discuss seemingly difficult subject matter without feeling anything...but, the really honest, vulnerable stuff. I remember warning him in my second or third session about what I now know is called transference, describing experiencing it in high school, railing against needing anyone outside of God and myself.

I didn't know it would get so hard. I honestly had no clue how gut-wrenchingly painful things would get before they started to get better. I didn't know what it would be like to feel. I didn't even know how much I had avoided feeling, how much I had avoided really knowing or understanding about myself and my past. I'm still not sure I've grasped it.

I never thought I could be known. Even though I've told some people the same information I've told T, I've never felt seen in the way I do with him.

I didn't ever expect to love or feel loved, to have the confusion of getting just what I need in a relationship that can't ever be what I really want it to be. I never expected to come across such radical acceptance to anything and everything inside of me, so impossible that I have no choice but to believe him when he tells me it is his connection with God informing and enabling our connection to one another.

I never expected to be able to stay...through the sort of pain that happens during ruptures. I never expected to find someone who said sorry and genuinely meant it, who would work very hard to make things better when they got broken, who would not leave all of that work on me.

This isn't at all what I imagined, or what I even wanted, out of therapy. It's a very bitter-sweet feeling. Tonight, I see him at 9:00 pm and I am sad that we only have an hour-and-a-half as I would really like to take in what this year has meant, to see if I can experience me meaning something to him, as it can be so hard to internalize. I made him a sock monkey (from new, just-bought socks...I could not give my T something I had worn, ack!). Well, still putting on the ears and finishing touches, but otherwise, it's done. He loves monkeys. Someone left a monkey rattle wrist strap in his office a few months ago and he would look at it, shake it at me, try to get the "kids" out...before I started bringing my own things for that. He's very playful and engages them with my stuffed animals when I allow them to be brought out. I know for a fact that he has had gifts before, but they were fun (magic trick type stuff) and not seemingly as meaningful. I don't know if he will accept it. I don't know if I can even offer it. I know he will think it is "great" either way and be so happy I thought of him, but I am feeling rather ridiculous about it.

I don't know really want I want to say by posting all of this. I am just in a very reflective mood today and wanted to share as you all have been a part of my journey as well. I can't believe it has been one year. I am not even remotely the person I was a year ago. It's like I needed to be deconstructed entirely and most of the last year was spent doing it and now we've begun the hard work of piecing things back together and repairing or replacing the broken parts. I wonder how many more anniversaries I will have with this T. It's hard, because I want to get better...but I also want to stay. And I want him to stay. I want forever, but nobody gets that with anyone. So, I just need to take in what I do get and make it a part of me, because then it (and my T) can never really be taken away.
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I love that you are making him a sock monkey. It's so thoughtful of you. And it's special that it's so meaningful for him and also for you. It can be really scary giving T a gift. I gave my T a gift for Christmas last year for the first time ever and completely and totally freaked out after my next session when I saw it hanging in his office. Somehow I felt rejected when I saw it hanging there. (Long convoluted story.)

It's still hanging right where he put it and I've never talked to him about how rejected I felt when I saw it there. But I want to now that I understand what was going on for me.

I also just recently gave him a book that I read years ago and it was on a topic very relevant to me in particular and my life. I thought maybe he could use it to lend to other clients my age as inspiration. It is a very inspirational book about a woman who was sexually assaulted as a child and had a very unhappy marriage but then at the age of 42 rediscovers the passion within her and becomes a world champion rower. It didn't bother me nearly as much to give him the book - although it wasn't really a present for him and I had no meaning attached to it.

I've been wanting to ask him for a present. Maybe more of a transitional object type of thing. I hadn't even thought of asking him for a present until recently when, he found a pen in his couch and asked me if it was mine, that it was right where I sit and had a logo on it that he associated with me. I told him that it wasn't mine. And then he asked me if I wanted it anyway. And I said, sure, you can't have too many pens. And he agreed. And after I left, I wondered if that was my first transitional object. But the problem was that it was just a pen he found in his couch. I realized how nice it would be if he gave me something that was his, that was special to him maybe? Or at least meaningful to our relationship? The next week, he gave me a newspaper article that he cut out for me. And I thought, hmmm, I kind of like receiving and having things from him. It feels nice. It makes the relationship feel real. I still have the newspaper article although I really have no reason to keep it.

Anyway, Yaku, I'm sorry I'm rambling. I don't know how your T feels about receiving gifts but he sounds like a very lovely man in general and I don't think he would shame you for giving him something that is very special and meaningful for you. Quite the opposite, I think he would be thrilled that you made him something and thrilled to receive it. But let us know how it goes.


I want forever, but nobody gets that with anyone. So, I just need to take in what I do get and make it a part of me, because then it (and my T) can never really be taken away.

Yaku, I loved reading your reflections on your first year with your T. The above quote really brought tears to my eyes. It sounds very familiar to something that my T tells me often. To take in and keep what he freely gives me. To hold onto that and make it a part of me because then whatever happens no one can take it away from me. He will always be a part of me and I can't lose that. But lately I am so angry with him that I have rejected all that he has given me and I have sort of given it back to him saying I don't want it. I think right now I'm struggling with feeling like I don't deserve anything from him and if do take it that it's not really mine to keep. That I will somehow lose it again just when it begins to mean something to me.

Back to your T... I think the sock monkey is such a sweet gesture and I'm sure your T will gracefully accept it and love it. I gave my T a six month gift and I already have a one year gift for him that is symbolic and means a lot to me. Right now I need to get back to a place a peace and safety with him before I can give it to him because things have been really rocky lately.

It's always good to look back and reflect on the beginnings of these very important relationships and to appreciate the journey we have been on with them. This is also why I think journaling is so important. So we can really see how far we have come and how things have changed for us.

I'm so glad you found such a good and caring T and have finally found a place of love and safety. I wish you well in this journey and a very Happy Anniversary. Thanks for sharing it with us.

(((Liese))) (((Broken))) (((TN))) Thanks for the support and wishes on my "anniversary."

So, it was both good and bad. So that I wouldn't chicken out of giving it to him, I took it out when he was doing his bathroom/tea break between clients. He had already turned off the overhead lights and turned on the lamp on his file cabinet. I stuck the monkey on his chair (which he never uses with me now, because he sits in the chair meant for clients, since it is easier to move to the floor from there and we often sit on the floor together. It was not very obvious in the dim lights, because the monkey is mostly brown, but when he went to his desk to get my emails that he had printed, which he takes notes on for us to discuss, he noticed the monkey. He said something like, "Oh, do we have a new friend?"

I told him, matter-of-factly, "Well, if it's not a boundary violation, then it is yours...and if it is, I guess it's show and tell." He said it wasn't, but he also framed it as "our" monkey to use in sessions, not his. So, that was sweet, because it made me think he's not likely to use it with anyone else (well, duh, he doesn't have kid clients and I'm the only...well, let's not go there as I just am feeling humiliated). But, it also felt like a way of him not really receiving it. We talked about it a bit. It came out that I had made it (he thought I bought it). He held it most of the session or would randomly pose it in different positions, which were cute and amusing. When my head was buried in my arms, he would use the monkey to tap me on the shoulder, which felt ridiculous, but I couldn't help laughing...he's such a goofball. Anyway, he genuinely seemed to like it.

However, I only once randomly, vaguely made reference to the one year, in a way that he probably didn't get. And he didn't acknowledge it at all, so across the (internal) board there is this feeling of being meaningless and disconnected. I told him naming the monkey was up to him and he said he needed more time and he couldn't do it while he wasn't in the monkey's presence (he commutes Tuesday nights) and I joked about T just taking the monkey with him and he said, "I don't think that would be a good idea." Now, I hadn't really been serious about the idea, but him saying that made me feel...ugh, it wasn't received. I know, realistically, why would he take the monkey home as he wants it there for us to have together? Also, he's home about two days a week. But, the kids felt like, he's not really accepting it, just storing it in his office for us. Also, when we left, he was setting it up on the desk, so now I am imagining the Ts who use his office Wed-Fri using it to interact with their child clients and it getting lost or taken or destroyed. Well, we'll say that I actually think it would be great if something I put effort into is helpful to someone else in that way, but the internal little ones are throwing a jealous fit and saying, "It'll be ruined." Roll Eyes

Also, T made the mistake of doing too much disclose-y type stuff this session. All of it had a reason, but it was overwhelming. First, he told me a story about two of his grandkids and how they talk that was relevant to a comment I made about Boo. Yeah, more jealousy on the part of the little one, but honestly, I'm pretty sure I see him way more than his grandkids do anyway. T told me about his son's 21st birthday on Friday, because there is a very slight chance it will affect our Skype session. Frowner Then, T told me that his wife had his car and was picking him up that night. It was in the context of how long we could take to wrap up, because it wasn't a night when we could take a lot of extra time. Anyway, so when I leave, I see a woman sitting in a car. It might not have even been her, but being as we wrapped up at nearly 11:00 pm, it probably was. Anyway, I avoided looking once I noticed her, but it did seem like she was looking at me. Well, nothing else happening there, so nothing else to look at. Suddenly, I had this feeling of being like the other woman and her being irritated or upset, which she probably isn't, as he's been a T for like 30 years now. So, usually I would sit in the car for a while and get my head together before driving...but, I felt like I was invading their space. It wouldn't have actually bothered me to see him with his wife, but I felt like it was a violation of their privacy to be seen or to have to see me while they were leaving, so I took off right away before T could get out. When I got home, I texted a short variety of internal reactions to the session and included a message about being more careful to weigh cost/benefits of disclosures.

Anyway, having a very rough, alone, disconnected morning. T was very good all session (even read a story to the littlest one), except for the disclosure stuff, but I'm just not doing well, feeling more alone than ever. We're staying in touch, I have texts when I need them, though and I'm sure it will pass eventually.

BIG HUGS. Sorry you are feeling so bad right now. I felt bad when I saw that T hadn't taken my gift home but I never told him. It's hanging in a prominent place in his office and he doesn't have a lot of knick knacks hanging around - so I should feel pleased about it. It doesn't bother me anymore that he didn't take it home and maybe some day I will broach the subject with him, though it's been 9 months since I gave him the gift. I guess you can see why my therapy is moving at a snails pace.

Sorry about all the disclosures. I'd be jealous too. But, the closer to and more secure I feel with T, the less jealous I think I am. I could by lying about that part but a huge part of me is feeling settled and I know he is there for me. Even though he has 10 million other people in his life. Oh, don't remind me, I was just feeling so good. Smiler



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