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Reply to "what does dependency on your T mean?"

Ninn... where did your post go? I came back to respond to you and it went poof.

I just wanted to say that next month with be four years of TWICE WEEKLY sessions with my T. He has no issue with my dependence. I also have outside contact with him. He feels that the solution to childhood deprivation is NOT further deprivation. He does not worry about my dependence and tells me I can stay as long as I wish to. He said at some point I may decide to see him less often but our commitment is forever. He tells me that the first two years we are just getting to know each other.

I don't remember what else you said but I think you should let your T know that there are many other T's out there that don't have an issue with you going once a week for 4 years. As long as you feel it helps you and you can pay her and you are working in therapy, then what is her problem? Would she send a four year old out to live on her own to avoid the child becoming dependent?? I doubt it. You need to be dependent before you can become interdependent.

I hope you are doing okay.
