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Reply to "The pain of longing"


Hi and welcome. I have found that T is not a linear process. In other words, the same issues are revisited again and again and each time they are explored the depth of the exploration changes. So, while it may feel like you are back at the beginning, you really are not. You have just dived in pretty deep into an area that I'm guessing you have already explored on some level before.

Reaching those younger parts is hard and when you do there is often so much overwhelming raw emotion there that it can be hard to deal with. It sounds like this younger part of yourself has what my T calls a nourishment barrier. Your T is telling you to know that she cares, but you can't feel that she cares because for whatever reason it sounds like this caring or experiencing of the relationship is triggering the defenses of this little part. Little ones are programmed biologically to need their caretakers 24/7 and it is a life and death situation. So now, even though your body is all grown up, this little part is still experiencing the life/death threat of being separated from her safety and support with T. How open is your T to working directly with this part? What about the use of transitional objects to help soothe this part between sessions? Is it possible to have more sessions during this period of time?

I hope that what I've said makes sense or at least resonates with you in some way. Thinking of you.