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Reply to "Problematic reaction to medical tests..."

(((Eliza))) Thanks for replying, especially from such a unique perspective. Yes, as for the dietary aspect of it, I'm able to become very research/intellectually oriented. In terms of my panic about having to talk about my body or be touched, which I usually dissociate in the moment of the appointment and then collapse afterward, I haven't found a successful strategy yet. I'm already putting myself on as close as I can to what I've read is a "standard" GD diet. I was so borderline on my results, I'm hoping the nutritionist will give me something less restrictive. I can do fine with cutting things out of my diet, but structuring several small meals and snacks all having certain goals of protein/carb/fat is kind of overwhelming. So far, I can mostly stick to the carb goal for all the meals and just try to get a decent amount of Calories in, in the hopes of not losing weight with restricted carbs. If that's the expectation, I think I can handle it. If it's something along the lines of expecting me to have a certain number of proteins at particular meals along with carb goals, that will be much, much harder.

(((SP))) Totally, being pregnant for appointments is very triggering. But being pregnant and feeling a life moving inside of me is just as wonderful as last time, and to be able to share it with my older daughter (she finally felt her sister kick this week) is just the best. My labor, I think I was pretty dissociated, though more in a tranced sort of way. It really never got too painful even before I got an just got too tiring after not having slept well in days, being up 24+ hours straight and then having no progress at all for my first 14 hours... This pregnancy has been much harder than the last, so I'm hoping she gives me a break on the delivery, unlike my first, lol.

That is one thing for me to keep in perspective, though. I know, just like all the other things I've been through in the pregnancy, no matter what I have to face to meet my daughter and later whatever difficulties I face in raising her, it will be worth it every single moment of my life that I get to know her, just like it is with Boo.