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Reply to "My hairdresser drives me crazy"


Good point about the message I was sending her. It's so important to pay attention to how we teach people how to treat us and/or what messages we are conveying without intending to.

I know lateness often drives some people crazy and that it is seen is rude. I often have a ton of anxiety leaving my house that I am trying to get a handle on so I can be more prompt. Also, since we weren't allowed to have feelings as children, it became important to me to NOT let other people know that I take things seriously or that something is important to me or else I might get made fun of or the other actually might try to destroy or mess with with what I want to try to hurt me.

I give the impression that I am laid back because that is what I was taught when I am not laid back at all. All these competing forces tend to paralyze me.

I like what you suggested I say and need to say something along those lines.