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Classical Science of Psychology


Hiya, exactly what I thought...which I why I decided against popping along! Curiosity isnt always the best motivation!Read More...

dissertion on trauma

I found this really helpful Liese and it sent me off onto a few hours research and watching Youtubes of Object Relation Theory - I think I found out a few answers about myself and so I emailed the links off to T. SomedaysRead More...


I read most of it too, and related, but was waiting until I had time to finish it to comment on it.Read More...

On taking offense

There were some good points in this excerpt, but some I had to take with a grain of salt. In the case of expressing an opinion, for example, whether or not Fox News presents unbiased truth, yes, I would agree with all the points listed above. But people that DO say offensive things, as opposed to expressing an opinion, (for the flip side read Verbal Abuse by Patricia Evans) do so because they cannot differentiate between the real, separate person they are interacting with and their "dream...Read More...

David Wallin

Thanks, Liese. For those of you who are not familiar with David Wallin here is a short bio taken from his own website.. David Wallin, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Albany and Mill Valley, CA. A magna cum laude graduate of Harvard College who received his doctorate from the Wright Institute in Berkeley, he has been practicing, teaching and writing about psychotherapy for nearly three decades. His most recent book, Attachment in Psychotherapy (Guilford, 2007), is...Read More...

Questions about Wellbutrin

I can't take Wellbutrin. I thought I would die of anxiety and I could not stop worrying about everything, I think for me the dose the original was to high, but even at a smaller does I didn't like the med. For me, the med is terrible.Read More...


Thanks for sharing the link - that's one of my blogs so let me know if there's anything you're particularly interested in, and I'll dig out and put up some more links WGRead More...


Thanks for the link XOXO... I am working my way through the list. The article on non-erotic love in the therapeutic dyad resonated with me and I think I need to talk to my T about Ferenczi. My T is very open to there being love in the therapeutic relationship ... on BOTH sides. He always tells me he is not immune to the feelings... nor is he frightened of them (which oldT was). It really helps that my T does not avoid the word "love"... although I am still gun-shy about it myself after what...Read More...
Hi Nannabee...thank you for posting this link. I am busy reading through many of the articles which are helpful. I found an attachment article in an older issue which is very interesting and something else on self-hatred which I may share with T. Thanks again, TNRead More...


somedays - i am in a very similar stuck place right now... yes big fear = big resistance... i dont have any advice except maybe to just accept where you are and talk about where you are (and why) if you can. hope it goes well for you. TN, we're all jealous of your T, as you probably know puppetRead More...

Eye Contact in Therapy

Scattered, Consider, and BLT - Thank you for the giggle. My T has fabulous shoes. I can look at her, unless it gets intense for me, and then I just look look look at those shoes.Read More...


BuzyD, Welcome to the forums. I'm sorry for the pain you find yourself in, nothing ever hurts quite so much as losing your first love. I can understand why you are asking for help here as I am sure that how you're feeling about needing your ex-girlfriend tracks pretty closely a lot of feelings that members here discuss about their therapists. In many of our cases, those feelings about our therapists end up being feelings about unfulfilled needs and longings from childhood. I don't know if...Read More...
(((((Athenacus))))) With the way you describe what your son knew in kindergarten and before kindergarten, he sounds perfectly fine. I've heard that in homes where there is emotional turmoil, kids can have symptoms that mimic ADHD and sometimes their symptoms get mistaken for that. My son was given a real IQ test by the school psychologist when he was in second grade. The psychologist told me that he let my son do whatever he wanted and my son wanted to walk around the room the whole time -...Read More...