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The PsychCafe
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Classical Personal Therapy Stories


I understand... and you know, we have so many on IM, and half I don't really know who they are any more LOL RobinRead More...

'being seen"

AG- It sounds like you have had wonderful progress/process in your therapy Dude- I think for a lot of systems.. being seen and unseen is a big deal for different people... I would assume it would depend on what sort of role that person needed to take on and degree of safety For me, I think I want to be seen but Im too afraid to be really seen because maybe hurt/pain will come somehow.... However, I do believe in Congruency... inner outter..... I think it's rare to meet people who are really...Read More...

im back sorta

I wish I were taking the exam... I'm not yet.. i want and need to... it's pivotal to getting accepted into graduate programs.... so it's just difficult not being able to prepare really right now due to economic issues sarah- thanks for your comments about the poem.. if i had known anyone was interested, i probably would have left it... i dont know why.. i get really vulnerable, insecure and paranoid when I leave my poetry someplace and no one says anything or really anything... it worries me...Read More...

Availability of Therapists

my therapist doesnt do email because of the place she works for doesn't allow it. I think this is stupid... lol. At the Uni, it was like this as well adn I do understand but my therapist there allowed me to because she understood that it was a way that helped me communicate better at times... My current therapist is only in her office 3 days a week but says she will make efforts to call you back when she is in her other office and the few times I have done so, she has called me. During...Read More...

I Did It!!!

I actually went back with my T a second time, then last night went alone! The second time with my T I rather freaked out as the bees were flying around her car... but I DID IT! The time by myself, they didn't fly around the car (and I didn't get out) but they were close enough by so I could see them at their hive. Funny... I thought to myself "they aren't paying any attention to me at all!" What a shock! I assume they are out to get me personally (I was a bit offended that they weren't,...Read More...

Slow going . . .

Have you opened the honey with the bee on it??? Good fortune with the trip.. seems quite a leap from the jar to the farm.... you feel ready for that jump? IzRead More...

Not A Good Client...

No worries... i think those 'regulars' here have each other on YahooIM. What about you, shrinklady, ever think of YahooIM? Any more thoughts about doing a chat here? dudeRead More...

Feedback on the little gang.

hahaahah.... YAY... btw- I don't know if you're the one that left the link to this site on the yahoo group but whatever the case, it's awesome. I'm so impressed. I know some others have been checking it out as well. I plan to spread the word about it as well as soon as I get the energy to build the emails and stuff. Nice to see you too. Butterfly WarriorRead More...