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Classical Coffee Talk


That’s true about the quiz, LL. Whether the quiz is accurate or not depends on what type of therapy you’re in. The question that made the whole quiz not legit for me was this one- “Instead of planning a therapy session, does your therapist merely react to whatever direction a session spontaneously takes?” UHHHH, DUH. That’s the point dude.Read More...


Hi UV, I experienced this fairly pronounced one time in session. I have no idea what triggered it, as it seemed to come out of the blue in session (I'm sure it didn't, but it seemed like it), but it left me all out of sorts for several hours. This was only in my 4th or 5th session with my T, so that also added to the peculiarity of it. Anyway, I felt like an observer in my own body, kind of like I was the outline of my figure sitting in the couch, but still able to see things through my own...Read More...

Scared about session tomorrow

MTF it was a pleasure to read your post - after all the pain and confusion you’ve been going through, and sticking with it no matter what - your struggles have paid off. And now you’re both ready to go into the ‘sticky places’ as Monte says. Good one MTF, big smiles for you. LLRead More...

I think I will be going...

Hi Amazon, I just saw this. It is wonderful to hear that you are doing so well and making so much progress. Thank you for letting us know that you are going so that we don't worry, and like the others, I would urge you to occasionally drop a line, we'd love to hear how you're doing. AGRead More...

enough is enough...

((((((((((janedoe)))))))))) How are you doing since you posted this? I was so glad to hear that you connected so unexpectedly well with your family...I wonder if it felt really disorienting in a way? I hope you can bounce back...have you talked again with your T? Please let us know how you are. Hugs, SGRead More...


I would just ask her straight out. I am diagnosed Borderline Personality and we talk about it openly in session. I have had that diagnosis for 10 years from my original therapist and psychiatrist but when I started with a new therapist I just asked her what she thinks my diagnosis is and we discussed. It made me feel better to get it out in the open and talk about it instead of just wonderingRead More...
It's a sound, like a deep breath out. Sort of like hmmm but with no vocal sounds only the breath. I take it to mean she's upset cause when I usually sigh, it is because I'm feeling sad or sorrow. But I did talk to her about the sighing and she said it is because she thought something I said was very insightful. I'm glad the last session was much better for you though!Read More...


I believe Russ is in the middle of a T vacation or perhaps just finished one. I know that was causing some issues. Russ, you around? Hope you are doing ok! ETA: Never mind, I see you Russ. I noticed your comment in TN's thread that I have to get caught up on again.Read More...

terminated in therapy?? join the club!!!!

I just want to add here that I have forgiven my T numerous other times where he hurt or disappointed me. He HATED disappointing me and I would say that he is just human like the rest of us and I don't expect perfection. I was very forgiving of him on many levels. Once he told me that he didn't deserve to work with someone like me and that it was a privilege for him that I chose to work with him. And that I am so forgiving of his errors. I felt that each time we had a disruption when we...Read More...


UV I see your struggle with this and I hope that my horrible story is not affecting you in a negative way. I remember reading about other abrupt terminations and getting really scared. In fact, I told my T about one of them and he was shocked and said he'd never do that (famous last words I guess). The hardest thing is that there is never a guarantee no matter what a T says to us. I am hypervigilant too and watched my T like a hawk trying to ascertain what he was up to and to read him to see...Read More...


UV great to read your post - I'm so glad you're now feeling good again about your T and therapy. LLRead More...

New here and waiting for my first session

Welcome Zivah! I am also still a newbie(?) here at forum, but feel "old in therapi"-game. I understand your conserns about you upcomming therapi- hang in there! Hopefully your new relation with your T will bring light and brightness into your life (and soul) Big words- BUT SO TRUE! Dont bother yourself with burdening thoughts- its normal, but just try to trust that it will be good for you. I was also terrified it would be a mess, and that i would f***it all up, But I`m a living proof- that...Read More...


Thanks for posting this, PG. It was a really interesting article and touched on some stuff that my T and I talked about today. I needed to read it, especially the second quote Maclove put in her post above. All of it, really. Thanks again! MTFRead More...
Hi again all...Just popping in to say that I'm resting comfortably and being waited on by my son and my dh. I'm feeling a tiny bit better each day and my appetite is back and I'm eating well. I'm lucky in that my dh is a great cook. I've been sleeping a lot and reading and watching baseball games on TV. It's been hard to deal with the helpless feelings....where I cannot do for my son or even myself right now all that I would like to do. I just tell myself in time I'll be back to normal. I'm...Read More...


I’m sorry, Forlorn. I know, it really sucks to have to deal with people like this. I think you are totally in the right, just with the fact that she is supposed to be the authority in the situation, but that comment she left you, WOW! That’s just rude. I had this one teacher senior year of high school who sounds almost exactly like the teacher you are dealing with. I know for a fact that she had personal issues with me, and at the end of the year we got in a really big fight. She completely...Read More...

they are just socks!

janedoe, good wishes to you on this trip. this will be something good for you to 'accomplish' and i can so relate to the panic of unimportant things...socks...kind of like your brain protecting itself over all the bigger issues. and that long without seeing your father is a biggie. i guess, my advise? keep your eye on the prize...getting through to the other side, and the view from there. i know i just let down a major wall with my parents for unreleated (to my therapy)'s...Read More...

My dad died

((((((FOT)))))) I am sorry for the loss of your friend. I'm so glad to hear that you were able to be with others who knew her too. I totally agree that we never "get over" losing someone, but that we adjust to living "without" them, and it is really hard. But much harder it is, when it is not talked your family of "clams" . I have had the experience of laughing...through tears of grief...with people who also knew someone I knew who had died. It doesn't make the grief disappear...Read More...


Congratulations janedoe, it's brill that you went for it despite it feeling out of reach. Well done! S XRead More...